Thursday, June 12, 2008

108th u.s. open: first round thoughts

-Chris Berman is repeatedly wishing everyone a "good morning" even though it's 1:00pm.

-And why is Berman even doing golf? This just makes me miss Nick Faldo's dry humor and awkward interactions with with Kelly Tilghman on the golf channel even more.

-At least we have Roger Maltbie in the booth with him, aka Tom Smykowski, creator of the "Jump to Conclusions" mat.

-Everyone who picked against Tiger (including myself) this week felt pretty smart after the double bogey on the first hole, but not so much after that. If the knee holds up then he's definitely in the mix, barring any disasters.

-As usual some no-name has jumped out to the early lead at -4, who the hell is Justin Hicks?

-Apparently Hicks (photo) is a Nationwide Tour vet, and he's only played in one PGA Tour event, the U.S. Open in 2004 in which he failed to make the cut. Hicks finished with a great score of -3, but it remains to be seen if he can keep it. How many hours of sleep do you think he'll get tonight?

-Phil looks pretty solid so far. He's going without a driver in the bag right now in favor of another wedge, which suits his game. And didn't something bad happen to Phil with a driver at the
U.S. Open sometime? I thought I heard something about that.

-It looks like Eric Axley's strategy is to blind his opponents with his pants before every shot. The day-glo yellow is intense. I just freeze framed him and cooked a hot pocket on the tv screen. It must be working so far, he's at -2 through 13 holes.

-Uh oh, just saw a slow motion replay of Tiger after his drive on 18, and you can clearly see him grimacing in pain after the shot. This face will definitely be analyzed with full breakdowns tomorrow by all the "experts".

-Phil's in with a round of even par on the day. Maybe if he wins this week maybe we'll get a crowd reaction as awesome as the one he received at Colonial two weeks ago.

-Tiger is in with a score of +1. Not great, but certainly acceptable considering the circumstances coming into the week.

-Now tied atop the leaderboard with Hicks, Kevin Streelman? Apparently it's his first year full time on the Pga Tour. He kind of looks like he could be Zach Johnson's slightly less smart brother.

-If the grouping of Tiger, Phil, and Adam Scott was a classic rock supergroup, who would they be? Maybe Crosby, Stills, & Nash with all the shaky relationships and bitterness? I'd have to go with Cream. In both groups of three there's one member who stands far above the rest (Clapton & Woods) and can be considered one of the best of all time at what they do and the other two guys, while also great themselves, will always be in the shadow of the first.

-photo miralle/

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