Wednesday, July 16, 2008

it's time for everyone's favorite game...gang member, or nfl player?

The latest story out of the NFL that doesn't involve Brett Favre (yes, there actually is one) is that the league has decided to hire "experts" to watch player celebrations and determine if they are using "gang signs." What exactly constitutes a gang sign? Does the Dirty Bird count? Unfortunately, the NFL is arriving late to the athlete-gang sign party, tennis was already there 6 years ago. And who are these so-called experts? Jumbo? Dig Dug? Low Down Lemar? I think we're going to need gang sign review challenges.

Monday, July 14, 2008

what if vijay was a flounder

This (horrifying/hilarious) picture of Vijay Singh is from a CNBC documentary about video games. It's the scanned 3D image of Vijay's head and face before it's put on a computer model for EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour. Where can I find everyone else's splattered head photos? I need to see more of these.

you might be a backup quarterback if...

Video of Aaron Rodgers offering to autograph some kid's football during a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe this past weekend. Not only does the kid not want his autograph, he recoils in fear when Rodgers approaches him. Ouch. Yup, still not the starting quarterback.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

darkmane really shaun white?

The commercials running for the X-Games this summer are featuring an X-Games villain of sorts named "Darkmane." This character looks like it could be Shaun White in a ridiculous costume. If you look at the style, shape, and texture of the hair in both pictures it is very similar. This would mean that his trademark "Flying Tomato" red hair has been died black. This scenario is likely because: A. Shaun White has grown tired of the nickname Flying Tomato (as he has pointed out in interviews) and was probably looking for a way to get rid of it, and B. ESPN would love to have the publicity stunt of White having dyed his hair during the X-Games because it's basically the Shaun White-Games. He's the only "extreme" athlete with true mainstream appeal and ESPN knows it. There's also this blog post on Darkmane's "myspace page" which says Shaun White has been on TV recently with fake hair. Hmmmm......

Saturday, July 12, 2008

this kid can drink corey hart's daughter under the table

Watch it me or are they starting younger and younger these days?

Friday, July 11, 2008

and you thought red sox fans were crazy

Cubs fans are taking it a little too far...

paul pierce's nickname isn't "the truth", it's "the f*cking truth"

Boston Celtics shooting guard and NBA Finals MVP (yup, I really just wrote that) Paul Pierce appeared on Late Night with Conan O'Brien this past Thursday night. One of the first things Conan asked him about was where he got the nickname "The Truth." Pierce revealed that about 7 years ago he played a game in L.A. against the Lakers in which he scored over 40 points, and after the game when Shaq was quoted as saying "that guy Pierce, he's the f*cking truth." Pierce made a point of explaining that the original nickname was not just "the truth", but "the bleeping truth." What I want to know is who made Shaq the official nickname giver or the NBA? First this, then he decides Dwyane Wade should be called "Flash." Could there be a more unoriginal and generic nickname for an athlete? Last time I checked Dwyane Wade wasn't a 1950's comic book hero. Shaq, if you're going to hold this responsibility, then you've got to do better. And that's the bleeping truth.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

never dine in fear again

Chief's tight end Tony Gonzales phoned into Sportscenter last night to share his harrowing tale of saving someone from choking. Gonzales said it was his "first time, I have never done the Heimlich before." Good to know. According to Gonzales, no one in the restaurant was doing anything when the guy started choking, so he jumped up and ran over to save the day. Pro athletes, is there anything they can't do?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

your giambi stache update: 7/3

Hey, if they keep showing extreme close ups of the stache on ESPN, then I have no choice. It looks slightly more menacing in this photo from last night. I guess it's mystical powers are working though, he hit a grand slam in the game.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

it's almost too easy

Some custom art for you to enjoy. I would stop making fun of him, but when this face pops up on my TV screen last night, well...

slam dunks, mullets, and girl-dog action on a tuesday night

Anyone who tuned to ESPN2 last night to check out the 2008 City Slam 3-Point, Skills, and Dunk Contest was probably ready to see some ridiculous 720 spinning slams along with some kind of high-jump dunk hybrid event, but thanks to a programming mix-up they were stuck with...The 2008 American Kennel Club World Agility Championships? Really ESPN? Could you possibly have picked two demographics that were further apart? At least the Kennel Club Championships provided this gem, the mullet-filled celebration between owner Joan Meyer and her dog "Neil" (your dog is a world class athlete, and all you could come up with was "Neil"?). You might wonder which gets more grooming attention, the dog or that glorious mullet.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

your giambi stache update

(Insert 70's porn joke here)